
Would you wear your rug?


I came upon some great, bold tibetan rugs and was inspired by the colors so much that I envisioned a fall wardrobe in the same color schemes. John Kurtz founded this rug collection, with many others, and uses the finest Tibetan wool and Chinese silk to provide the greatest quality. Each of the rugs I chose has coral weaving, so I kept the coral skinny pants consistent throughout each look.




Which look do you like best?!

sources* rugscoral skinny pants,   

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Barbara von Enger said...

I like the third look best. Would I wear a rug?
Of course I would, but it would have to be of the finest quality;-)

size too small said...

very cute- my favorite is no. 2

Karena said...

Drew, all, however the very first the most. I love the blue in the palette. Fashion and design always inspire art!


Art by Karena

I have a fabulous Giveaway from Interieurs I hope you will come and join!

Alexa said...

Oh my gosh so fun! Love that last look!

Coley said...

#3 is my favorite :) Love this concept!

April said...

Definitely. I love the color inspiration, and even the patterns.

Aubrey {All Things Bright and Beautiful} said...

Why yes, yes I would wear one of those rugs...but I think I would probably prefer outfit #2, the coral and green is just doin' it for me! You have been one busy girl! No better way to say farewell to summer than a good ol' road trip! Welcome back, girlie!

Tamra {ever swoon} said...

I love the first color palette!! Great ensemble.

Amanda || Eclectic Snapshots said...

Drew these outfits are amazing! And I LOVE that they are inspired by rugs.
Such a fun way to create an outfit!

Susan said...

I'm loving on that second one! Such a unique idea you're so creative Drew!

Gaby [The Vault Files] said...

Love the outfits you created, perfect translation ;)

SEAELISE said...

love your blog as well so glad to have found your page. the rug inspiration is so unique and such a great idea - awesome post, love it!


natasha {schue love} said...

LOVE all this inspiration! I can see how these rugs inspire a great color palette! :)

Unknown said...

I love this post, Drew! Such great outfits...I think I love the last one best :) xoxoxo brynn

Unknown said...

Great post! Love all the outfits and how you drew inspiration from home decor for them! Xoxo

classiq said...

Beautiful inspiration! The last outfit is my favourite, it feels like fall. :)

Some Korean Website Highjacker said...

you're so innovative Drew! love this and yes indeed. my choice would be no.1 with a bullet. adore the front closure on those pants and the blue blouse is a beaut. ♥

Daydreamer said...

fun concept! i like the 3rd option best, but they're all cute!
thanks for stopping by my blog!

oomph. said...

i love what you did here! love the first one best :)

Blogaversary Giveaway

Anna @ IHOD said...

Okay you are so clever. I love everything about this post. I don't know if I would wear my rug...maybe if you pulled the outfit out of it for me:)

Becca {A Blonde's Logic} said...

love the inspiration!!


Julie said...

I'd have to say yes to all three color combos, but to pick a favorite... they are all so perfectly fall that it is impossible. Although I am completely enamored with the hunter and blush combo!