
Fridays Fancies {Fashion Leaves}


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Beautifully Seaside // Formerly Chic Coastal Living said...

Adorable the dress especially!

srldesign said...

Love the colors...I'm a coral kinda gal myself. And that clutch?!! Holy mama...I just died :) Hope you have a great weekend!

Gaby [The Vault Files] said...

Drew, I love that dress and love that you paired with those leafy sandals, perfect combo!

siddathornton said...

i love the whole thing, but especially the ring & earrings - love the understated elegance!

- lauren

Caitlin C. said...

That dress! I'm in love :)

StarletStarlet said...

I really, really love the Charlotte Olympia sandals - they take tropical to a level of sophistication.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous! I so wish those sandals could be mine!

Emily {All You Need is Love} said...

oh i neeeeeed that dress!! adorable!!

Lindsey @ be pretty said...

Loving this girly-girl! Love how comfy that dress looks! Ahhhh so so nice! :) Coral = so you + so fabulous!

Lindsey @ be pretty said...

Loving this girly-girl! Love how comfy that dress looks! Ahhhh so so nice! :) Coral = so you + so fabulous!

jessica // union shore said...

oh, i love that dress! so cute!

Alexa said...

LOVE that dress Drew! Good taste as always!

Allison K said...

What a great combo!! That dress and shoes is so cute! That dress looks so perfect for a hot hot hot day like today!!

Michaela said...

Adore! The leaves are so cute. What a fun trend :) Of course I love coral!

jillian :: cornflake dreams. said...

love that color block dress! great shade of pink!! xo

SEAELISE said...

such a beautiful post - I love your layout and combination of styles. love the cluth what a great eye!!

Mrs. C said...

Could that clutch be any cuter? Love it! I made a grilled watermelon summer salad and I am passing the recipe around! So refreshing with all the crazy heat!! :) Would love to know what you think!

Melanie said...

I would wear every piece!! =)

Ergo - Blog

Luxury Villa Rentals said...

What a nice designs which you share thank you very much for the sharing.

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Tiffany said...

Love the handle, the color of it is cool and stylish.Nice choice.

Bui Minh trading said...

t love that, so cool
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