
August 15, 2011

Eat Your Greens : Think Tank

A few weeks ago I attended a design discussion sponsored by the AIGA Charlotte Chapter. The discussion was titled Eat Your Greens: Think Tank. As designers, it's extremely important to get together and discuss issues and ideas pertaining to design going on in todays world. I went with one of my past colleagues, (and super great friend) Virginia Faircloth, a member and upcoming board member of AIGA. She happens to be an amazing and talented freelance graphic designer and an admiring individual who is always glad to help me in any design issues I run across. 

Sustainability Director, Rachel Martin, Creative Director, Jenna Macfarlane and Virginia led the discussion on Sustainability and the Living Principles: (Culture, Environment, People and Economy) and how to incorporate these elements into our design thinking and concepts for work we design and deliver.

My eyes were definitely opened as to how simply you can incorporate GREEN products into your work and how to encourage and educate clients in using more sustainable products, as well as having the mindset of making the environment a safer and better place to live and design for.

Check out the recap from Virginia here!

In what ways are you conscience about the environment?

sources* AIGA Charlotte
Photography by Rachel Martin and Jenna Macfarlane


  1. What a great concept to start spreading through design as well!! The past couple months I have been trying to "go green" with certain products for the home, using recyclable grocery bags, carrying a re-usable water bottle, etc...small steps and I know I can do more!!
    Recipes Fashion Marriage

  2. I admit this is one area I could use lots of improvement in. I recycle and I also try to conserve energy by adjusting my thermostat and turning off all my lights when not at home and while away from my desk.

  3. Great post Drew! Thank you for spreading the word.

  4. Great post - it's always so amazing to learn the little things you can do to become 'green'

  5. this is awesome! i'm all about the green...and try to do as many little things as i can to help!
    great work!

  6. This is such an awesome thing to get educated about...I will be the first to admit that I'm not nearly as environmentally conscious as I should be...I am definitely an avid drive my hubby nuts because I will dig his water bottles and soda cans out of the trash if he puts them in there...gross, right? It just makes me feel a little better (c: I can definitely always be better, though!

  7. You are so awesome for helping out! It's not only for our earth but our health as well

  8. i love this post drew! i need to be so so much better at this. here's to really trying!

  9. What an awesome post! My dad is an environmental engineer and instilled green habits in me from a young age, but I think I can always do more. One of the ways I try to be green now is to repurpose furniture and accessories for my house instead of buying new pieces. Hope you had a great Monday! xo

  10. What a great post! Great to educate and start thinking about how we can all make a difference.

  11. Great post, sounds like an interesting discussion. It's so important to be as "green" as possible!


  12. that is soo neat! great to come together over such important issues

  13. Great post. Thanks for sharing these ideas.

    xo, chrissy
    The Perfect Palette

  14. I need a lesson this. Awesome post, thanks for the awareness Drew!

  15. I didn't know you were in Charlotte. I live in Charlotte ^_^

  16. Thats such a great idea! to incorporate green in everything possible. I'm all for it! Thanks for sharing :)

  17. what an extremely interesting venture! i used to work in an architectural firm that was all GREEN and LEED certified. it's environment was the best, most pure surroundings. i think it's just spectacular when these types of topics are addressed and talks begin to open new ways of thinking/producing and conserving. brilliance!!! ♥


Thanks for leaving this post some love!