
April 11, 2011

Not a Monday Blue Kinda Day

After the hustle and bustle of a weekend it's sometimes hard to buckle down and attack a load of work on Monday. Yet, sometimes, there's something so calming about a fresh start to a new week. I gain a lot of inspiration from the weekend and am ready to tackle all the design work that have nearing deadlines around the corner. I've got two more weeks to finish up a newsletter I'm working on and you'd think I'd be stressing to the max right now! However, when you are working on something that you are truly passionate about, it makes it that much easier to get lost in.
Need a little help fighting those Monday blues? Get lost in these...

Anything in particular that inspired you this weekend and got you ready for today?


  1. You're so right about being passionate and loosing time while doing what you love. It feels very familiar.

  2. yah! what a lovely attitude about a monday! i usually feel the same way! :) xoxo jcd :: ps im hosting a interior design link up! post about your dream room or decor wishlist and link up at cornflake dreams all week!


Thanks for leaving this post some love!