
March 17, 2011

Trick 'em!

St. Patricks Day is quite fun! I love dressing up and making people wonder where in the world my green is!! They look at me like they're about to pinch me, when I reply, "I'm wearing green, you just have to find it!" Usually it's the tiny bit of green either on a bracelet, ring, necklace, shoe, (one year I went so far as to say it was my green eye shadow!)...Either way, I fool them most every time! The trick is to wear bold colors or patterns that contrast with green, causing your eye to hunt for for it. Usually if you wear an accessory with green in it you can trick them even more.Can you find the hint of green in my palette today?  If not, I've obviously already got the pot of gold anyway from the looks of my blouse ;)


  1. I found it!! I would pinch you anyway! ;)

  2. Haha, would green lingerie count? ;)

  3. Ooh missed this. So pretty! You rock those mood boards, girl! You have an eye for color!


Thanks for leaving this post some love!