My BFF and I were walking around Urban Outfitters and found this super cute gold I.D. bracelet!! Sure, we already have 2 aged BFF necklaces, another newer one, a BFF bracelet, BFF charms, old BFF anklets, yada, yada, ya! But we spotted this one at UO and found it so cute that it reads Best Friends Since 2007. Thumbing through the hanger we found more that were from years 1998 to 2008. Wait! There's not any BEFORE 1998? GRRRRRRRRRrrrrrr
So I just had to brag a little bit and let you know that if they WERE to engrave a year on our bracelets, it would be none other than the amazing, life-changing 1993!
I know, sickening, right? 18 years of your life with the same BFF? Tis True...and will be for another 70 some years!!
We made a deal to find our own gold BFF I.D. bracelets and engrave, "Best Friends since 1993"
Take that URBAN!!
If you have friends that you've met AFTER the year 2000, check out these BFF bracelets.
I love Urban high school aged boys turned me on to that store!