
February 25, 2011

5 Things I Can't Live Without! (Tagged!) maybe it's 6...I'll tell you first and foremost, I can't always live with rules!  I tend to think outside the box, which is why my list got a little out of hand.  My sister, Dana, from Southern Inspired, tagged me to come up with 5 things I can't live without. I new for sure we would have the exact same "things" we couldn't live without.  Like she said, above all,  faith, family and friends are MUSTS! We're just identical like that. But, I tried to think of other "things," just to be different. ;) Another thing I can't live without is being different. Yet it's hard to be different when my sister and I have similar goals and interests. And I can't live without her! Awwww.....

1. I can't live without my morning coconut cream coffee!!! It's so delicious! I wake up to the smell of coffee and it boosts my spirits for the rest of the day! Coconut cream is the key! (try Target!)

2. The Bible, of course! This is the most important thing I absolutely can't live without! My whole life is centered around The Book. It's the foundation for my everyday life. This also includes Sunday services, get- togethers with brothers and sisters in Christ, and bible studies. When life gets you down, which we're told it will, center your thoughts towards the B-I-B-L-E! 

3. Daily phone calls with my sister! There's no way I can go for long periods of time without chats with the sissy! We talk everyday, being that she lives in Atlanta. Mostly about life, our blogs, starting our own company one day and of course talking in our obnoxious cute silly "voices" to each other! ;)

4. I am a move-aholic!! I can't live in one place for too long without packing up a u-haul and heading towards the next dream city! Which reminds me, I surely can't live without my GPS to get me everywhere in my new cities. To give you a preview of my destinations in the last 2 years--

Charlotte, NC
 Pittsburgh PA
 Belmont, NC
 Pensacola, FL
 Belmont, NC
Boca Raton, FL
 West Palm Beach, FL

 and now back to my hometown in Belmont, NC! Insane, I know!! My sis has been on a similar journey...That's why we're called the little gypsy sisters! Wouldn't trade it for a thing! I'm young and have the ability to travel and move all around the world!

5. I have an insane collection of eclectic heels and shoes! I believe it runs in my genes. My grandmother owned dozens and dozens of beautiful shoes and I'm proud to say I got the itch to purchase my own  since I was around 16 years old. I love them so much that I even have a unique display in my own bedroom! From shoes, of course, I love to shop in general. (or at least go window shopping.) But make no mistake, I only go for the sales and splurge very rarely!

6. Last, but definitely not least, my passion; my work. Art and Design! I love any form! But I enjoy graphic design, painting, decorating and fashion design. My friends will tell you I've always had a love for collages. I would be the one in the group to make the visuals for a project in class. Of course, I've gone on to study, make, and design my own art as I've grown older. Simply, I live, breath and dream it!

Sidenote:  other things I can't live without-

{pistachio pudding}
{the color coral}
{the movie theater}
{my elliptical machine}
{Felicity reruns}
{my blog}
{my dog, Chloë}

Well now that you have a small insight into the things I can't live without, let me go ahead and tag Chassity from Look, Linger, Love to give us her 5 things she can't live without! (You may cheat like I did Chassity..if I can break the rules a bit, so can you ;)

Happy FRIDAY!!!


  1. Whoa, what a surprise to see i'm tagged at the bottom! Fun!! Can I get you to make it real pretty for me like yours?? Kidding, kind of.

    Coconut cream coffee, will have to try this! And I totally need to get my coffee on a timer so I can wake up to it too!!

    PS, how did I not know you and Dana are sisters?? Are you twins?

  2. Love this!! You definitely didn't follow the rules but you're right - you crave being different :) We are pretty much twins! Love you sweet t!

  3. Awww that is a sweet list. I love your #2. I think reading the Bible is a good way to get to know Him. It is also a good way to strengthen our faith. Have a lovely week!


Thanks for leaving this post some love!